Monday, 19 March 2012

12th MARCH 1933 - LECTURE 3

On the 12th March 1933 Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States of America, gave his first 'fireside chat' on public radio, dubbed as such because of the friendly yet informative manner in which he spoke. These speeches or 'texts' (single, short radio conversations) were tools of political dynamite that convinced the majority of Americans to vote for President Roosevelt, such that he remained an unprecedented three terms in office.

Text is a powerful thing.

Nowadays, radio as a text has been overshadowed by more popular 'online-y' things. Blogs, tweets, emails, vlogs, all work in much the same manner. The ultimate goal? To share informative meaning and create understanding of a central theme. President Roosevelt used his fireside chats to demonstrate that he was a President of the people, one of the average with a slightly bigger house. One who would help everyone else understand the things that they did not. That their president was looking out for them. Yet, what was the topic of this first dynamite text which was apparently so persuasive?


President Roosevelt began his speech by stating, "I want to talk, not to the few who understanding the mechanics of banking, but more particular to the overwhelming majority of you who use banking everyday." Look at this like a headline and the things it states:
Who? - President Roosevelt, the majority of America
What? - Banking, to convince the masses that he, Roosevelt, was the right man for the job
Why? - To help you understand
When? - In this present time (which was 12th March 1933)
Where? - America
How? - Through the gallant medium of TEXT!

Text is important. 

Text is fast, flexible and a various array of other things that Skye Doherty mentioned. Ultimately, text is convincing. You read a newspaper and you want to believe that what they are saying is true. You read a magazine article and you want to believe that the skincare product can in fact make your eyelashes so long your head tilts forwards. You listen to a WRITTEN (see, it's a text) speech by the President of the United States and you want to believe that this guy should be in charge. 

Text is convincing.

Did I convince you?

To watch the video of Franklin D. Roosevelt's first 'fireside chat:

Image available: 

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