Saturday, 30 June 2012

30th JUNE 2012

Let's just take a momentary step back from being caring and intellectual people to discuss a matter of celebrity.

And by that, I mean let's add to the gossip.

It was announced today that Katie Holmes and Tome Cruise are splitting, with 33 year old Katie filing for a divorce on Thursday.

However, the big scandal was that a custody battle for the pair's six year old daughter Suri (never understood the name, never liked her really either. Thought she was bratty) would begin.

And I have to admit that although I don't particularly care for either Holmes or Cruise as actors, not particularly a fan of their work, this supposed custody battle grabbed my attention.

It is one of those interesting questions that you can ask of a celebrity power couple like Cruise and Holmes. I mean, either one of them could be the sole caregiver, both of them have legitimate claim to be THE parent.

But then that made me think; would Tom become Suri's sole caregiver because of the power that he holds? Does he have some sort of power that could sway the decision? Or would he win just by being her dad? Where is the line drawn between father power and celebrity power?

And I guess that is why this interested me. Figuring out whether or not this whole battle would be legitimate or not. Or is it all just publicity?

Whilst Cruise's career is still going strong, I don't hear of many good movies where the star is Katie Holmes.

And then, why is it that this is so interesting to all of us mere mortals? Are we really that shallow? Do our lives really revolve around these supposed 'stars' to that much of an overbearing extent?

I don't know. I hope not.

Quick, think of something smart!!! Save yourselves from the celebrity apocalypse!

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